Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear Family and Friends

Thank you for coming to pay tribute to a unique and strong woman - My Mom.

Everyone will reflect on different memories of her, when I think of her now, I see her as the middle age mom, when I was a teenager, I think my aunt remembers her best when they were in their teens years as shown on June 15 post. Whatever your memories are of her, it is what continues to live on.

I also thank my friends, some of whom might only know my mom through me. I thank you for being here to support me.

The events of the past week have had me contemplate about my relationship with my mom. I summed up my feelings by asking myself these questions:

What is the most important thing my mother made me realise about myself?

I may not be as fearless as her, but through self examination these past few days, I realise I AM strong and resilient. In my own unique way. I feel like I have just graduated with the highest degree from the University of May Fox.

What is the greatest opportunity she has given me?

Besides life itself, the priviledge to care for her over the years until the end: To return some of the care I received from her growing from a girl to a woman to a wife and now a mother. I feel that my stamina has been truly tested and I passed with distinction

What is the most profound moment I shared with my mother?

Just over a year ago, the doctors told mom her fistula will probably not work much longer then 2 months. Her body had run out of reliable dialysis venues. Setting emotion aside – we starting planning for her funeral service. We cried, we laughed, we reminisced. We faced it together, as a family. We had the chance to say all the things we needed to say and she told me she was proud of me; which is a pretty hard place to reach in my mom’s high standard.

What is the greatest gratification I have with my mom?

Without doubt – showing her the loving family I have gained and built – and Giving her a grandson, Watching her grin from ear to ear as she shares our happiness.

For my son, Lennox, to know her and to know her love. To see how family cares for each other, during happy and the not so happy times.

Now I know that I have done my very best in caring for my mom and have no regrets.

Thank you Mom and Thank you all for your support

1 comment:

  1. Wow Astrid. And thanks to you for your strength and inspiration.Mo-Ling x
